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Welcome !

I’m a junior Game Artist, specialized in :

- environment art (2D concept art ~ 3D modeling)

- 3D animator (setup ~ animation ~ export)

You may have a look at some of my works here.

I try to update my portfolio, but if you want to see more recent stuff, please feel free to contact me.

Have a good visit, and leave comments around :mrgreen:

Voir le profil LinkedIn de Vincent LE GUILLOULinkedIn Profile


Name :
Location :
Paris, France
Age :
E-mail :

Main skills

3D :
Textures / Texture baking
Low Poly modeling
High Poly modeling
Animation :
Rigging / Skinning
3D Animation
2D :
Environment concept art

Softwares used

  • 3D Studio Max
  • Photoshop
  • Zbrush
  • Unity
  • Unreal Engine
  • Shiva
  • Virtools
  • Maya



October 2011 - ... : Lead Artist at Rumblebee Corp.
- development of the graphic part for an indie project in a cartoonish style, level creation and integration, shaders development in relation with a programmer, UI development and implementation.
November 2011 - June 2012 : 3D Animator at Kadank Games
- responsible of the creation and validation of the setup used for vehicles and character of the game, 3D animations and export to Unity. Kartoon game published on Facebook.


Marsh - August 2011 : 2D/3D artist at Strass Productions
- in charge of the environment creation : concept art, 3D modeling and textures for a futuristic mmorpg, involved in the export process of the scenery to Antiryad GX engine in relation with the programmers team.
May 2011 : Sound designer / Composer for Slak Games - Mechanic Infantry
- Soundtrack creation for Mechanic Infantry, released on PC
GGJ 2011 : Graphic artist on KAZZ.ED, choosen as the "best game" of the event


April - July 2010 : 2D/3D artist at Mobigame
- gameplay elements creation, level building : level design, 3D modelisation + textures, lighting, integration. Perfect Cell game released on I-phone / I-pad
GGJ 2010 : Lead artist on the Parisian Moon Sheep project


May 2008 - Marsh 2009 : 3D artist at XP-Simulation - see
- production of airport scenes (buildings, low poly vehicles) with their textures sets (day/night), integration to multiple engines (Flight Simulator v.2004/X, professional civil and military simulators), prototyping in Shiva 3D (graphics/code)


- Unreal Engine (UT3, UT2003/2004, UT99 maps - see), Shiva 3D and Virtools
- Tracks and cars creation for Re-Volt (low poly restrictions) - see
- Graphic artist on Akanthas, Little Town, Booster and Eye (during my studies) : 3D animation, 3D modeling, textures, lighting and concept art.


2008 - 2010 :
Game Artist at Isart Digital (75011 Paris)
2007 - 2008 :
Prépa art multimédia at Isart Digital
2006 - 2007 :
Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles PCSI (75016 Paris)
2007 :
Bac S mention assez bien