CTR-SnowBreeze wip

Here are a few screens of a track I definitely want to finish.

This track is going to be very long, and there’s a lot of possible racelines ! So here comes the point of this post:

:arrow: Would you be interested in making a raceline for the track ?


just answer here or on the Re-Volt Live forum (link to the post), and I’ll send you the track AS IT IS, all you’ll have to do is add AI nodes and track zones…

I may also throw in some instances if you want to populate the terrain in your own way (trees, signs, etc…) :mrgreen:

Also, if you can record ingame videos, I may ask you to try to follow the actual raceline and record your race. This is only to test and see if the raceline is clear enough as it is.

So here comes the screens !

Note that all of this is Work In Progress only ! :wink:

This entry was posted by TweaK.

6 commentaires pour “CTR-SnowBreeze wip

  1. PatS

    Hiya, KW, PatS here. I have played Re-Volt since its humble beginnings and have seen all the great custom tracks. This map will definitely rank right up there when completed. I would love to edit this gem a little. My email is patschmeider@gmail.com. Have raced all of your maps…Cactus Volt being my favorite.

    • Thank you for the kind words PatS !!
      I’ll send you the track for the new year ! I’ll try to polish it as much as I can until then.

      Can you record your game session ?

    • Track sent ! :-)


    wow i want to this track….amazing :!: :!:

  3. rodik

    Hi, Tweak! I want to get this track and finish it. But the Revolt Live forum doesn’t open. Can you send me a track by Email? Here it is: edushrodion09@gmail.com Thank you in advance!

    • Hi rodik !
      I’ve been off lately and didn’t saw your comment in time !!! I’m so sorry.
      (it’s a shame I need to validate the first comment everyone post here).

      The last time I did work on the track I think I finished the raceline and added track zones and triggers, but reached the max triggers count, so maybe the track IS too long after all.

      And on top of that, raceline was not up to what I expected.

      As a result, I dont want to distribute the track as it is, because I think it deserve a proper flow and fun.
      I’m going to revisit the whole track to make it shorter and keep only the good parts. I will. Very soon :wink:

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