Rayman vs DOSBox !

Create a shortcut to load custom DOSBox settings

We’re now going to create the magic all-in-one button 8-)

Create a shortcut to DOSBox, and place it in your game folder.
Right click -> Properties
In the “Target” field, there’s a path that should be ending with “DOSBox.exe”.

Add this :

-conf "F:\RayFan\dosbox.conf"

replace F:\RayFan by your game folder path (again ! :-) ), you should now have something like this :

stuff\DOSBox.exe -conf "F:\RayFan\dosbox.conf"

You may also pick up the icon of your game to customise your shortcut :-)

Then click “OK”.

You may rename the shortcut with the name of your game, gere “Rayman by his fans”, and add one to your desktop :wink:

Then we only have to adjust a few more DOSBox settings to enjoy the game as before !

This entry was posted by TweaK.

One comment for “Rayman vs DOSBox !

  1. Nice blog, keep it going!

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